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How to edit the configuration of the business app
How to edit the configuration of the business app
Updated over a week ago

To edit the configuration of your business app, click on the 9 dots in the top right corner of your dashboard and select ‘Business app’.

On the left menu, select ‘Configuration’ and click on ‘New configuration’.

Once you’re on the configuration page, you can set a name for your configuration.

Additionally, you can create a dismiss time and passcode. This passcode will be required every time you want to execute a loyalty transaction.

Navigate to the ‘Loyalty’ tab to view the settings for your POS. Here, you can set the dismiss time, max input amount, and more.

Under ‘Screen’ you can configure what the start screen will be. If you want to use a passcode, ensure to select ‘Passcode’ here.

In ‘Order of screens’ you can choose what you’d like to appear on screen during a transaction, and how many screens.

After this, you can set a maximum return amount as well as a warning amount. The warning amount is the amount of points that may be awarded before a warning message appears on the device.

Following this, you can select a prefix, an end screen dismiss time, and a lock time.

The end screen time is how long the screen can be active before redirection to the home page.

The lock time is the time within which another loyalty transaction cannot happen under the same account.

Finally, you can select whether or not to allow the ‘Forgot card’ and ‘Anonymous register’ functions.

Navigate to ‘Gift card’ next to set up your prefix, opening screen, end screen dismiss time, and maximum amount.

Under ‘Profile’ you can select the attributes that contacts can enter information on via the business app on location. This usually involves names and birth dates, for example.

Finally, before finalizing your configuration, it is essential to navigate back to the ‘General’ tab and select the device to which you’d like to apply this configuration.

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