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How Pilloxa works
The LEDs of the pillbox
The LEDs of the pillbox
Per Nilsson avatar
Written by Per Nilsson
Updated over a week ago

The pill box has an LED (lighting emitting diode) on the side that can blink in different colors along with an LED at each dose compartment that glow white when its time to take your dose.

LEDs at dose compartments

When a dosing time approaches, the LED at the upcoming compartment will start flashing and when the dose is taken out of the compartment, the LED will stop flashing. The LED flashes only if there is a dose inside the compartment and not if it is empty.

It also stops flashing when enough time has elapsed for the dose to be considered "missed", if it has not already been taken.

LED in color on the side

This LED can both flash and light up constantly with a color, to indicate the status of the pillbox:

  • Flashing green means that the pillbox is being charged and switched on

  • Flashing red means that the pillbox has just started to charge and has not been switched on yet, this will after a short while switch to flashing green

  • Flashing yellow means that the pill box has a low battery level and needs to be charged

  • Constant green means that the pillbox is being restarted, which can take a short while

  • Constant red means that the pillbox is in an error state, please see the following link for how to fix the problem.

The LED also flashes when you press the pillbox button on the side:

  • White flash means that the pillbox is on and connected to the app

  • Blue flash means that the pillbox is on but not connected to the app. See the following link to see how you can connect to the pillbox

If it does not flash at all when you press the button, the pillbox is probably out of battery and needs to be charged.

If you notice that the pillbox only flashes when you have the charging cable connected, then contact us at the support and we will help you.

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