Savings is a deposit analog for assets. The user can choose a currency, period, and interest, put his money into saving, and earn crypto every day. We support fixed and flexible plans.
Once a user selects a plan, they initiate the savings process by making an initial deposit from their main account or wallet. This deposited amount is reserved from the primary account. Following the commencement of savings, the user receives daily rewards credited to their account each day. There is no cap on the savings amount, allowing users to enhance their daily rewards by making additional deposits. By clicking the deposit button and specifying an amount, users can boost their daily rewards until the last day of the saving period. Upon the conclusion of the saving period, if a fixed plan was chosen, the savings enter an active withdrawal phase upon reaching the expiration date. Users can initiate a withdrawal at a later time, during which the savings will retain the deposited amount but cease to accrue interest. At this point, the savings status transitions to "Ready for withdrawal.
After the user makes a withdrawal - the saving becomes archived. The user can find it on the archive page, with all the detailed info about this saving.