When you create student accounts at ubbu, your students are assigned a username. For security reasons, this name is automatically generated and cannot be edited.
However, ubbu offers a feature that allows you to link the student´s real names with the matching usernames, that only you can see.
To do this, click on a class and in the list of students click on Add real names of students to my student list in the upper right corner.
Next you will see a list with the usernames of each student, and in front of that a field to fill in the real names.
When you are finished choose Save with a private key. It is this key, a kind of password, that will keep the real names of your students in a secure and encrypted way, so try to not forget it.
Only you can access this data, and it will not be stored on our servers.
You can also export a list in .csv format for later reference. Go back to the student list and choose Export List. A .CSV file with a table of your student´s names as you have defined them will be downloaded to your computer.
When you return to your lessons view and other areas of the platform, you will also be able to see the real names of the students below their usernames.
If you happen to switch computers, or simply stop seeing the student´s names, you will see the option Why am I not seeing the student´s real names?
If you press this button, you will be prompted for the key that you set earlier.
If you happen to have forgotten the key, press the Did you forget your key? option to set the names again.