A new school year at ubbu
Introduction to ubbu for teachers
Creating classes and students
Connecting your students usernames with their real names
Login to ubbu as a student
Lesson plans
Starting and ending a lesson
Unlock or lock classes
Inside a lesson
Lesson reports
Retry exercises
Generate password cards
My institution (Teacher manager)
What do I need to use ubbu?
Install ubbu on your device
Curriculum levels
Why can't I add more students to my class?
How do I delete or archive a class?
How can I export my class results?
Can students access lessons at home?
My class finished a level, how do I graduate to the next one?
The students in my class are from different school years, what do I do?
Can a class have more than one teacher?
How can I change a student's password?
Can I change my students' username?
A student's account is blocked, what do I do?
How can I access the End of Level Certificate?