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How to change Plugzio wallet details
Florian Remi avatar
Written by Florian Remi
Updated over 2 weeks ago

This article covers the steps to change the details of an already existing Plugzio wallet in your account. Please follow the below steps:

  1. Navigate to the Wallets page:

  2. Click "EDIT" on the wallet you would like to change the details of:

  3. Click the indicated section (Wallet Name) to change the name of your wallet:

  4. Click the indicated section (Enable/Disable Wallet) to hide or unhide the wallet:

Hiding a wallet means: you do not need this wallet anymore (e.g. you accidentally created an extra wallet in your Plugzio account that you are not going to use).

Unhiding a wallet means: you would like to start using a wallet that you previously hid.

Need help with anything else? Contact the Plugzio customer care team to have a chat with one of the specialists and discuss your concerns.

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