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How to hide a Plugzio wallet

Step-by-step Guide on How To Hide Your Wallet

Florian Remi avatar
Written by Florian Remi
Updated over a week ago

Hiding a wallet can be useful for several reasons: you might not want to use that wallet to hold the revenues, you may prefer to see only wallets with a balance, or you might want to organize your wallets in a certain way and hide some of them.

Here's how to hide a wallet in the manager dashboard:

2. Sign in your Management Dashboard

3. Click "Wallets"

4. Click "EDIT" on the wallet you wish to hide and disable

5. Check the box "Hide & Disable Wallet"

6. Click "UPDATE" to hide the wallet

7. Click "SHOW HIDDEN WALLETS" to see the wallets you have hidden

8. Click "HIDE HIDDEN WALLETS" to remove the hidden wallets from the screen


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