Sign up as a new user
Open the Plugzio app:
iOS, Android, or at on a web browser
Sign up for a new account
Enter your email address & choose a password for your Plugzio user account
A verification email will be sent to your email address with a link to verify your new account
Click the link and log in to your brand-new Plugzio account
Activate a session
There are two ways to start a charging session:
Scan the QR code on the front side of the device
Enter the device ID (located exactly under the QR code) in your Plugzio account
ONLY for the first activation
Whether the Plugzio device is free to use or has a rate (set by the property management), the account wizard will walk you through the steps to create a wallet in your account.
NOTE: If the device is free to use, you will NOT need to top up your wallet and only having a wallet in your account is enough.
Related Article: Plugzio user - How to create a wallet
Need help with anything else? Contact the Plugzio customer care team to have a chat with one of the specialists and discuss your concerns.