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Where can I browse all clinical monographs?
Where can I browse all clinical monographs?
Updated over 8 months ago

You can browse the full library of Dx & Tx monographs (formerly Clinical Briefs) by selecting Dx & Tx from the Clinical Tools drop-down menu in the main navigation.


Once on this page, you will have several ways to search for content. If you would like to browse the content to see what is available, you can just scroll on the page and see all of the articles. You also have the option to search alphabetically. If you can’t remember how to spell something, but you know what letter it starts with, just select that letter and scroll through the list to find what you are looking for.

On the left side of the page, you will see Filters. You can filter the results by species or classification. Filtering by classification may be helpful while browsing or refreshing on zoonotic or reportable diseases. Filtering by species might be helpful if you work in a feline-only practice, for example, and only want to see content relevant to your patients.


Finally, if you know what you are looking for, you can use the search bar on this page. Results will automatically be narrowed to Dx & Tx content. You can search by common term or medical term for diseases and clinical signs (eg, GDV, Lyme disease). As soon as you type 3 letters, you will see that search results start appearing. The more letters you type, the more the search results will narrow.

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