If you'd like to have more control over how you metrics are filtered and calculated, you can create your own Custom Metrics within your Custom Reports dashboard. Custom Metrics allows you to use your data to create your own formulas for more personalized insights.
How to create a Custom Metric:
This video details how to set up your first Custom Metric step-by-step. In this example, we're creating a metric that calculates total sales excluding shipping for the web sales channel.
Step 1. Add in your metrics
Launch the Custom Metrics builder by selecting the "+" next to Custom Report on the lefthand side of the Polar app and selecting "Custom Metric" (you can also build a Custom Metric directly from your Key Indicator tab by selecting "Edit Key Indicators"). From there, add in the metrics you'd like to start with. You can quickly access all available metrics on the right sidebar by searching for the term or by clicking on the drop-down menus.
Step 2. Add operations & additional metrics
You can add operation symbols and additional metrics to write your formula. Keep in mind that you can add as many data points as you'd like in one Custom Metric.
In this example, we're creating a metric that will calculate total sales excluding shipping - so we're simply subtracting Shipping from Total Sales.
Step 3. Add Filters & Formatting
You can apply filters or a group of filters directly on the metric to further parse down your data. You can also adjust the formatting for this Custom Metric based on whether you'd like it to be a number, a currency or a percentage. Any formatting settings that you apply will only apply to this Custom Metric.
In this example, we're filtering this metric for the web sales channel and formatting the metric as a currency.
Step 4. Name & save your Custom Metric.
Don’t forget to name and save your metric so you can use it in other reports! Once you have created your Custom Metrics, you can also add them to your Key Indicators page or create Schedules to get them sent to you daily.
Step 5. (Optional) Duplicate Custom Metrics.
Within your Custom Metrics dropdown, you can easily edit, duplicate, and delete your metrics to save time by hovering over the three dots on each metric. This is a great way to save time if you have a lot of Custom Metrics to Create.
How to edit a Custom Metric:
Step 1. Select the "+" icon next to Custom Reports, and click "Create report".
Step 2. On the righthand sidebar, click the dropdown menu within "Custom Metrics".
Step 3. Select the three dots to pull down an option menu, and click "Edit" to make changes to your Custom Metric.