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Understanding Custom Dimensions

Custom Dimensions enable you to create and define your own Breakdowns and Filters within Polar, giving you more flexibility with your data.

Abby Garland avatar
Written by Abby Garland
Updated over a week ago

Custom Dimensions enable you to create and define your own Breakdowns and Filters within Polar, giving you more flexibility with how you can segment your data. The Custom Dimensions builder allows you to create conditions and effects that follow the logic:

“When <this happens>, Then <respond like this>, Else <respond like this>”

How-To: Create a Custom Dimension

Extended version of Custom Dimension tutorial here

Step 1. Launch the Custom Dimension builder to start.

You can launch the Custom Dimension builder here, or in any of these three locations:

  • Within the Custom Reports dropdown menu

  • Within the Breakdowns dropdown menu in a Custom Report

  • Within the Filters dropdown menu in a Custom Report

Step 2. Create a "When" statement.

Your "When" statement dictates the criteria needed in order for the Custom Dimension to return the desired value. The Custom Dimension builder requires each "When" statement to have three components: a dimension, an operator, and a value. Use the dropdown menu to search for and select all available dimensions, functions, and values.

In this example, we're creating a Custom Dimension that will group all records that have a Shipping Country of the United States, and return each of those with the dimension "North America". For this "When" statement, we've added:

  • "Shipping Country" as the dimension (in blue)

  • "Is" as the operator (in orange)

  • "United States" as the value (in pink)

You can add multiple "When" statements by selecting either the OR or AND functionality to the right of your first statement.

Step 3. Create a "Then" statement.

“Then” statements dictate the desired value you'd like to return when the "When" conditions are met. You can choose to return either string values (that you can type in yourself with full flexibility), or you can choose to return existing dimensions with a function applied. Keep in mind that if you'd like to use a function, you'll need to select the desired function from the dropdown list instead of typing it in.

You can see full explanations of how each of our operators and functions works here.

In this example, we added a string value of "North America" by typing this into the "Then" bar.

Step 4. Create an "Else" statement.

Finally, you'll need to add your "Else" statement, which dictates what will be returned when none of the "When" conditions are met. Similarly to the "Then" statement rules, you can choose to return either a string value here or an existing dimension with a function applied. If you don't want to add an "Else" statement, simply click "enter" on the Else bar to generate the preview.

In this example, we added a string value of "Rest of the World" - this will ensure that all data points that do not have the United States as their Shipping Country are defined as "Rest of the World".

Step 5. Preview your data.

Once you've added your "Else" statement, you can preview your data in the "Which data are selected in your dimension" section at the bottom of your screen. Keep in mind that the preview will not populate until you've completed your "Else" statement. The preview will update each time your rules are changed so that you can get an accurate view of how the dimension you created works.

Step 6. Name & save your Custom Dimension.

Finally, you'll need to give your Custom Dimension a name and save it to use it throughout the app.

Extended Custom Dimension tutorial

Custom Dimension FAQs:

  • How can I find all of my Custom Dimensions? To find your custom dimensions, you can select the “Custom Dimensions” button under Filters or Breakdowns within a Custom Report. All of your existing Custom Dimensions will also appear in the dropdown menus for Filters and Breakdowns with the Polar logo next to them.

  • How can I edit a Custom Dimension? To edit a Custom Dimension, click the three dots on the dimension in either the Breakdowns or Filters dropdown menu within a Custom Report.

  • How does each of the functions work? This article details how each function that you can use within a "Then" statement works, and how you should format each function to ensure Polar returns the intended results.

  • How many Custom Dimensions can I use in a Custom Report? You can use up to 5 Custom Dimensions in a single Custom Report. Remember, that you can add multiple When-Then blocks to a single Custom Dimension to include more dimensions.

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