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How to post a trip
Updated over a week ago

Pro tip: Post your trip at least 3 days in advance so passengers have enough time to book.

Poparide helps you fill empty seats in your vehicle on mid to long-distance trips to increase vehicle occupancy and share costs. It takes a couple of minutes to post a trip and we recommend posting at least 3 days in advance to give passengers ample time to book.

To post a trip using the Poparide app or website, you must fill out the following sections:

Trip details

Provide accurate information: Enter specific pick-up and drop-off locations for your passengers and provide any additional details in the trip description field. Make sure there’s enough space for everyone to sit comfortably.


Increase booking chances: Adding stops along your route allows passengers to book for any segment of your journey. You can add up to 5 stops per trip for pick-up and drop-off.

Recurring trips

Set a recurring trip: If you drive a route regularly, you can create recurring trips and post up to 100 trips in 6 months. This feature is popular with commuters seeking a carpool option for travelling to work.


Set a fair price: We cap prices at 18 cents per kilometre to ensure fair pricing for passengers (read more). Check similar trips to set a fair price per seat to attract more bookings.

Profile picture

Show your face: Drivers with clear profile photos fill their seats a lot faster. Upload a clear picture of your face to show passengers who they are travelling with.


Prioritize comfort: Make sure passengers have enough space to sit comfortably. Limit the number of passengers in the back seat to avoid overcrowding — three people in the back seat is not recommended.

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