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Learn about our social trivia game

AJ avatar
Written by AJ
Updated over a year ago

Pop Quiz events are hosted by our favorite members of the community. Interested in hosting your own? Hit us up by tapping the “?” on your profile screen!

📖Learn how to play

It’s simple! Show up and answer fun questions LIVE with our community! In Pop Quiz, you’ll be faced with 3 types of quiz modes:

TRIVIA: Which country first put a human in space? This quiz mode tests your knowledge on all sorts of topics.

MAJORITY RULES: Would you rather have 2 belly buttons or 3 extra toes? This quiz mode is based on the wisdom of the crowd. If you pick what the majority of the crowd picked, you get points!

HOT SEAT: How well do you know the VIP? This quiz mode puts questions with some tough choices in front of a special guest-- your goal is to guess what they'll pick!

🏆 Weekly Events hosted by your favorite people

  • Make sure to check the Home Screen of the app to see when the next Pop Quiz is taking place!

  • There's no limit on how many can play at the same time, so and play Pop.Quiz with your favorite hosts.

  • The better you play, the higher you’ll go on the leaderboard! Plus, you'll earn XP!

🎁 Earn POPS to get merch + other cool items

  • When the event ends, you’ll earn POPS based on where you finished on the leaderboard.

  • Use POPS to buy exclusive digital and IRL merch, and more!

🎮 Why Can't I host my own games of POP QUIZ?

  • Soon you'll be able to! If you're interested in hosting your own, ht us up by tapping the “?” on your profile screen!

  • For now, check out our other games by tapping on the 🎮 button when you're the host of a party

  • Hit us up if you have any ideas for new games!

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