Pop Quiz events are hosted by our favorite members of the community. Interested in hosting your own? Hit us up by tapping the “?” on your profile screen!
📖Learn how to play
It’s simple! Show up and answer fun questions LIVE with our community! In Pop Quiz, you’ll be faced with 3 types of quiz modes:
TRIVIA: Which country first put a human in space? This quiz mode tests your knowledge on all sorts of topics.
MAJORITY RULES: Would you rather have 2 belly buttons or 3 extra toes? This quiz mode is based on the wisdom of the crowd. If you pick what the majority of the crowd picked, you get points!
HOT SEAT: How well do you know the VIP? This quiz mode puts questions with some tough choices in front of a special guest-- your goal is to guess what they'll pick!
🏆 Weekly Events hosted by your favorite people
Make sure to check the Home Screen of the app to see when the next Pop Quiz is taking place!
There's no limit on how many can play at the same time, so pop.in and play Pop.Quiz with your favorite hosts.
The better you play, the higher you’ll go on the leaderboard! Plus, you'll earn XP!
🎁 Earn POPS to get merch + other cool items
When the event ends, you’ll earn POPS based on where you finished on the leaderboard.
Use POPS to buy exclusive digital and IRL merch, and more!
🎮 Why Can't I host my own games of POP QUIZ?
Soon you'll be able to! If you're interested in hosting your own, ht us up by tapping the “?” on your profile screen!
For now, check out our other games by tapping on the 🎮 button when you're the host of a party
Hit us up if you have any ideas for new games!