📖Learn how to play
New to the Dominoes? ➡️ Learn how to play here.
🏆 Compete in daily, live tournaments
Match up—or team up—with players around the world. Check out the Home Screen for upcoming events!
The better you play, the higher you’ll go on the leaderboard.
Tournaments last about an hour, so show up on time to play as many games as you can before the tournament ends!
🎁 Earn POPS to get merch + other cool items
When a tournament ends, you’ll earn POPS based on where you finished on the leaderboard.
Use POPS to buy exclusive digital and IRL merch, and more!
🎮 More Games
We have tons of games for you to enjoy!
Switch games (or restart your current game) by tapping on the 🎮 button when you're the host of a party
Hit us up if you have any ideas for new games!