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ProgramsPal User Guide
ProgramsPal User Guide

Get started quickly and see what you can do on ProgramsPal.

Zelia Leong avatar
Written by Zelia Leong
Updated over 6 months ago

ProgramsPal makes it easy for you to create, manage, and join incentive programs.

Key things you can do on ProgramsPal:

  1. Participate in incentive programs to earn rewards

  2. Create and launch your own incentive programs

Get started in 1 minute with this interactive tutorial:

ProgramsPal Overview

This guide gives you an overview on the key concepts of ProgramsPal and how to use the platform to create or join incentive programs.


1. Understanding Campaigns

ProgramsPal Incentive Campaigns Dashboard

Campaigns serve as an internal tool to drive certain behaviours that you would like to see in your team and reports. Within each Campaign, you can set challenges. When a participant in your Campaign completes a challenge, they receive points. Participants can then use these points to redeem rewards.

Anyone can create Campaigns on ProgramsPal. Campaign creation is free. You can try creating a new campaign here.

See examples of Campaigns and get templates you can steal here

2. Roles & Permissions

For each Campaign, users can play the role of Admin or Participant.

Admin: The user who created that Campaign will be its Admin. That user can also invite other users to be Admins, to help manage the Campaign. Admins can make Campaign configurations, and invite Participants to join the Campaign.

Participant: Participants will be notified via email when they have been invited to join a Campaign. Participants can see the Campaign on their dashboard, participate in the Challenges, and claim Incentives from that Campaign.

Note: If you are neither an Admin nor Participant of a Campaign, you will not be able to see that Campaign on your ProgramsPal dashboard.

3. How to participate in Campaigns?

You will receive an email notification when you've been invited to participate in a Campaign. Click on each Campaign to learn how you can join the fun, and see activity from other participants.

Join Challenges & Claim Points

Each Campaign has Challenges you can complete. Once completed, you can claim points. When your claim is approved by the Campaign Admins, you will be notified via email, and the points for that incentive will be added to your account.

Access your Campaigns Dashboard here

Redeem Rewards

You can see the total number of points you’ve earned at the top right corner of your account. Browse Gift Card Rewards you can redeem.

Filter by your Location/Country. You can choose gift cards from any Country, even if you are not physically located there. Pick the gift card, value, and make your redemption.

Once redeemed, your digital gift card will be automatically emailed to you within 1 to 7 working days and it can be used as per the instructions in the email.

Browse all Gift Card Rewards here

4. How to create my own Campaigns?

As the creator of a Campaign, you can set and control the budget, and invite people to take part in your challenges. Only people you invite to the Campaign will be able to see it and join.

Create your campaign by clicking on "New Campaign":

Try it now 👇

See examples of Campaigns and get templates you can steal here

Note: Campaign creation is currently only available on Desktop.

Creating A New Campaign

  • Add Campaign Information

Include what your Campaign is about, with a description. You can also include best practices and tips to help Participants achieve your Campaign’s goals. You can add external URLs to resources such as videos, company documents, or sign up links to your events.

Add the total budget you have for your campaign, which participants can claim from. This will help the system to limit the number of redemptions for challenges, and help you plan your campaign budget.

See Campaign templates and examples here.

  • Set Challenges and Points

Set the goals for your Campaign, with quantifiable Challenges which Participants can complete and claim points. 1 point = US$1. See examples of challenges here.

Save Campaign

Once you have completed the steps above, you will see a checklist to help ensure you have got everything ready:

Once you’re all set, click on Create Campaign to save your work.

Note: Nobody else can see this Campaign even after saving. You can configure the visibility in the next steps by adding Participants and Admins.

Invite Participants

Upload a list of people you want to invite to participate in your campaign. You can choose to upload individual emails, or a bulk data export via CSV. Participants will receive an email to notify them to join the Campaign.

Top Up Budget

Top up the budget for your campaign for gift card rewards, via bank transfer.

Once the funds have been received by our team, you will be notified via email and it will be reflected in your dashboard, where you can track and manage your budget.

Managing your own Campaigns

You can manage and track your Campaigns by clicking on each Campaign > Manage:

On that page, you can make edits to Campaigns, and take these actions for each of your Campaigns:

  • Track Campaign Activity

  • Track Budget

  • Track Redemptions

  • Export Data

  • Invite/Remove Participants

  • Invite/Remove Admins

5. Getting Help and Support

If you still have any questions or encounter problems using the platform, please send an email to and we’ll address them right away.

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