In PreprLabs, a project is a set of work submitted to a Lab or a Challenge. Think of them like submissions to an assignment or a contest: they're your team's proof of knowledge, creativity and ability.
Projects can be worked on individually, or in teams. If you know who you want to work with, you can directly invite team members to your project. Alternatively, you can use the team matching feature to find team members with the right skills.
A project can contain:
a banner image or video
a short description
a series of answers to a pitch
media files stored in a gallery
external links
a set of uploaded files
Depending on how the Lab or Challenge was configured, your project can receive an assessment, which can be visible to the team members behind the project. This lets you know how your submission did.
A project can be submitted to multiple Labs and Challenges. This is helpful when your team has worked on an idea for one scenario, and see that it is applicable to another.
For example, a team who has completed a project for the Innovation Management Labs may find it is a good fit for the Industry Future Challenge. With this feature, your team can re-submit your existing work for consideration in that Challenge.
Projects also show up on your PreprLabs profile, and can be used to build your online portfolio.