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Better Search Email Alerts


Linda Maruta avatar
Written by Linda Maruta
Updated over a week ago

Following feedback from our clients, we are excited to announce that we have now reviewed and updated the content of our Keyword, Volume and Sentiment email alerts. 

The alerts now include a link to the relevant posts in Pulsar Results, and a sample of the posts relevant to that alert. Below is a breakdown of how they work:

  1. If you set up an email alert for Volume, the top contents included in the email body now show the sample posts with the highest Engagements.

  2. If it's an email alert for Sentiment, the top contents included in the email body now show the sample posts that are most positive or most negative, depending on the sentiment score assigned.

  3. If it's an email alert for Volume for a specific Keyword, the top contents included in the email body now show the sample posts with the highest Engagements, matching the keywords you have specified. 

The Top contents displayed in the email are always dynamic and relevant to the current time period. 

  1. If it's an Hourly Alert: the posts displayed in the email would have been collected in the past 1 hour

  2. If it's a Daily Alert: the posts displayed in the email would have been collected in the past 12 hours

  3. If it's a Weekly Alert: the posts displayed in the email would have been collected in the past 24 hours

  4. If it's a Monthly Alert: the posts displayed in the email would have been collected in the past 24 hours

We hope you find this more useful, and we welcome any feedback! 


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