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Historical Data Availability on TRAC

Learn more about historical data options based on data sources that you can access within TRAC.

Dominick DiCesare avatar
Written by Dominick DiCesare
Updated over a week ago

Learning Outcomes

  • Learn more about the historical data options that you have access to, based on data source, within TRAC.

The maximum length of period you can collect historical data varies per data source on TRAC.

Here is a list of all the options Pulsar offers for historical data as well as a breakdown of how far back we can track data from:

  • Blog Posts are available on a 25 months rolling period.

  • Broadcast (TV, Radio, & Podcast) historical data is available for the last 2 years, however the full clip and web player are only available for 60 days after the air date.

  • Facebook Public Pages data is available on a 30 days rolling period in Topic Searches

  • Forum Sites are available on a 25 months rolling period.

  • Online News is available from the previous 12 months (previous 2 months only for LexisNexis License).

  • Pinterest historical data is available for the last 30 days

  • Print News is available for the previous 6 months for UK & FR Print (NLA) and the previous 60 days for Global Print (LexisNexis)

  • Reddit historical data is available on a 25 months rolling period.

  • Review Sites are available on a 25 months rolling period.

  • Threads historical data is available for the last 30 days

  • Tumblr historical data is available on a 25 month rolling period.

  • Twitch historical data is available for the last 30 days

  • VK data is available as far back as January 1, 2018

  • X historical data is available as of March 21, 2006.

  • Youtube data is available for the previous 15 months

The following sources do not offer historical data:

  • Instagram

  • Facebook Public Pages in Panel Searches

  • Discord

  • Web Search Data

If you wish to know how to collect historical data we created put this step by step guide:

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