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General Listening: Content Insights: Search

Learn how to analyse the most commonly searched questions within your social data using TRAC's Content Insights.

Ashvin Jalabhay avatar
Written by Ashvin Jalabhay
Updated over a week ago

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand the different visualisations available for Search data in TRAC's Content Insights.

  • Learn how to use these visualisations to identify trends and patterns in Search data.

If you're using TRAC's Content Insights subpage to analyse social data, you'll likely be interested in understanding the most commonly searched questions within your dataset. Thankfully, TRAC provides several visualisations to help you do just that.

Search Questions

The first visualisation you'll likely encounter is the "Search Questions" diagram. This visualisation provides insight on the most commonly asked questions on Google from the keywords that you are tracking.

Search Comparisons

Comparisons looks at the keywords you are tracking to provide insight on what people are searching for framed as a comparison - or, vs, like, and.

Search Connections

This looks at the most searched keywords and phrases that have been framed as connections - with, is, to, for, without.

Related Searches

Related searches are the top keywords or phrases that are being googled in relation to the keywords you are tracking.

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