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All CollectionsCONTACTSDistributions Module
Reviewing your Distribution email stats
Reviewing your Distribution email stats

Measure the success of your Releases with indepth email stats and reporting

Updated over a year ago

Once your Release has been distributed, you can understand how it has performed by navigating to the 'Distribution Channels' tab on each Release.

Firstly, navigate to the Communicate Module and select Distributions

Then select the Release you are interested in

Open Distribution Channels and select Email

Scroll down to your recipient list, for each Release you can see who engaged and when with a total for each stat at the bottom of the table:

  • Sent: Your Release email was sent to the recipient

  • Opened: Open tracking tells you if your contact opened the emails you send

  • Click: Did the recipient click a link in your email Release

  • Marked Spam: The recipient has reported your email as spam - you can use this data to improve your emails by ensuring you send relevant content to the right contacts.

  • Soft Bounce: Soft bounces are the result of a temporary problem with a valid email address, such as a full inbox or a problem with the recipient's server.

  • Hard Bounce: Hard bounces are the result of an invalid, closed or non-existent email address, and these emails will never be successfully delivered. our Research team use the hard bounced data to clean and maintain the media database.

  • Unsubscribed: A recipient has opted out of your list using the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email.

From this page you may also add contacts to groups based on if they opened or did not open the groups. This may you can follow up with contacts who opened your email without having to literally look for replies or enquire directly.

Export All - Allows you to download all contact information to an excel document.

Add 'Opened' to Group - As the title suggests it creates a group of all contacts who opened the email.

Add NOT 'Opened' to Group - This adds all contacts who did NOT open the email, to a new group.

Add bounces to Group - If a Soft of Hard bounce, these contacts will be added to a group so you can investigate/enquire reasons later.

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