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Introducing Web Search Data


Linda Maruta avatar
Written by Linda Maruta
Updated this week

You can now include web search data in your searches on TRAC, allowing you to view your social data in context and get more signals to help you better understand your topic area. 

The web search data we collect is from Bing, and you can switch this on for any Topic or Content search on Pulsar. You will find this new source at search set up, where we now give you the option, in a separate input field, to specify your keywords for web searches. 

We support simple queries, in either OR, AND, or Phrases. So you can specify any of the following in this new field: 

  • URLs - This is useful for Content searches, so that not only can you track how many times a link has been shared on social, but also how many searches have been made about that link on the web. 

  • Keywords in OR, for example harry OR meghan as shown below:

  • Keywords in AND, for example harry AND meghan, as shown below:

  • Exact phrases, for example "prince harry", as shown below:

By enabling this data source, you will be able to measure how many web searches have been performed around your subject in contrast to mentions within social, and you can visualise this in the Overview chart as shown below:

Web search data is currently only available in Realtime, so next time you set up a tracker on Pulsar why don't you give this a go and let us know! For more on how you can use web search data and get value from this data source, check out our upcoming blog post. 

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