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View Tasks

Organize your sales tasks quickly

Ouiteo Team avatar
Written by Ouiteo Team
Updated over a week ago

The View Tasks tab contains all the bulk edit tasks you've created in the system for the last 90 days. From here, you can manage each task and have the option to copy a completed task, so you don't have to start creating them from scratch. You will also find all the essential details of your tasks here, such as the time you scheduled them and the current status of each task.

1. Go to Price Editor and click View Tasks.

2. By default, you can already view the following details:

  • Title

  • Status

  • Schedule

  • Action

3. Click the + Create Price Editor button for a new bulk edit.

Learn how to create a price editor in this article.

4. If you need to add another header column, click this drop-down and click the header you want to add.

5. To quickly find a task, use the Search Bar. Type the task name or keyword you want and hit enter on your keyboard to update the list.

6. To sort the table based on the task's status, click the Filter button and choose the status you want to view.

Here are the different Statuses of your bulk edits:

  • Progress: The bulk edit task is in progress.

  • Completed: The bulk edit task is complete.

  • Ready: The bulk edit task is ready to start.

  • Cancelled: The bulk edit task is cancelled.

  • Restored: The prices are restored to their original pricing.

  • Scheduled: The bulk edit is already scheduled.

  • Repeat: The bulk edit will re-run based on your set time and frequency.

  • Progress (restore): The price restoration is in progress.

  • Paused: The bulk edit is currently paused.

Once you've picked a status, click Apply.

7. To view the details of a task, click the Details action.

You can also change the details of the task if needed.

Note: You can still edit the Price Editor if it isn't running.

8. If you need to restart a scheduled task, such as scheduling a restoration of prices, click the Schedule action.

9. To pause a task, click the Pause icon.

10. You can click the Re-Run action to resume the bulk edit process for paused tasks,

11. To restart the restore bulk edit, click the Restore action.

12. To duplicate a bulk edit task, click the Copy action.

Once the system copied a task, the duplicated task will be named Copy - (bulk edit name).

13. Click Delete to remove a bulk edit task from the list.

Then click Yes, delete this bulk edit! to confirm your action.

And that's the quick overview of the View Tasks tab!

If you have additional questions, you can say hello with our live chat or reach us through email at

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