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My Company: part 2

This article introduces pages from My Company > Outbound Email to Cytracom integration.

Written by Manu Varghese
Updated over 3 months ago


Admin > My Company

This topic introduces pages from My Company > Outbound Email to Cytracom integration.

The My Company menu specifies settings about your own company.

  1. On the global navigation bar, click Admin.

  2. On the local navigation bar, click My Company.

Outbound Email

Admin > My Company > Outbound Email

The Outbound Email page enables you to configure a custom outgoing mail server. This forces your instance of PSA to send all outgoing email and notifications through your company's mail server instead of the default SMTP server.

  • Business Email - Enter the email address from where outgoing email has to be sent.

  • Business Email Display Name - Enter the name that is to be reflected while sending the outgoing email.

  • Use Custom SMTP Settings - No is selected by default. With the default option No in place, the only field where you need to enter information is Email Logs Retention field.

  • Email Logs Retention - Enter a number between 10 and 30.

If you choose Yes for Use Custom SMTP Settings, a Test Connection button appears at the bottom after the Email Logs Retention field. Additionally, the Outgoing Mail Server, Username, Password, Server Port Number, and Encryption Type fields become editable along with the Email Logs Retention field.

  • Outgoing Mail Server - Enter the outgoing mail server's name.

  • Username - Enter the username for the mail.

  • Password - Enter the password for the mail.

  • Server Port Number - Enter the port number for the server. Default is 465.

  • Encryption Type - Select an encryption type from the dropdown list. SSL is default, and TLS is non-encrypted.

  • Email Logs Retention - Enter a number between 10 and 30.

  • Click the Test Connection button to test the connection. You should get yourself an email.


Admin > My Company > Lists

The Manage Lists page maintains the list of values displayed by list fields used in standard forms. Each list is predefined. You cannot add a new list. Click any row in the Manage Lists page to edit that list.

Searching for a list

You can search for a list by List Name and Form.

Adding a list

If you want to populate a drop-down field with list items, you should have admin permissions and do the following:

  1. Navigate to Admin > My Company > Lists.

  2. From the records in the grid, click to choose the respective module's row under which you want your new list. A new page opens with Add and Delete buttons.

  3. Click the Add button.

  4. Name: Enter a name for the list item.

  5. Active: By default Yes is selected. Leave the selection as it is if you want the list item to be immediately active. Select No if you want the list item to activate later.

  6. Default: By default, No is selected. If you want to make it a default list item, select Yes. Otherwise, leave the selection as it is.

  7. Click Save.

Repeat the above process for as many list items as you want.

Deleting a list

  1. Navigate to Admin > My Company > Lists.

  2. From the records in the grid, click to choose the respective module's row under which your list item is present. A new page opens with Add and Delete buttons.

  3. Click the checkboxes of the items that you want to delete.

  4. Click Delete. To delete all items at once, you can click the checkbox next to List Name on the top of the grid and then click Delete.

Exporting the grid

You can export the current page or all pages in the grid.

To export the current page, click Export > Current Page. An Excel file containing the information will be downloaded to your computer.

To export all pages, click Export > All Pages. An Excel file containing the information will be downloaded to your computer.

Types of Lists and Where They are Used

  • CRM

    • Accounts - Business Types

    • Contacts - Phone Type

    • Contacts - Email Type

    • Activities - CRM Activity Type ( like Call, Email)

    • Activities - CRM Activity Status ( New, In progress, Complete)

    • Opportunities - CRM Opportunity Type

    • Opportunities - CRM Opportunity Status

    • Opportunities - CRM Opportunity Rating

    • Opportunities - CRM Opportunity Lead Source

    • Sites - Site Market Type

  • Projects

    • Projects - Project Type

    • Projects - Project Assessment

    • Projects - Collaboration Type

  • Service Desk

    • Tickets - Ticket Note Type

    • Software Assets - Asset Software Category

    • Hardware Assets - Asset Hardware Category

    • Hardware Assets - Asset Vendors

    • Hardware Assets - Asset Brands

    • Hardware Assets - Asset Business Impact

    • Knowledgebase - Knowledge Category

  • Inventory

    • Purchase Orders - Ship Method

    • Purchase Orders - Payment Term

    • Purchase Orders - Purchase Order Charge Type

    • Products - Product Composition Materials

    • Products - Product Brand

    • Products - Product Manufacture

    • Products - Product Cost Codes

    • Products - Product Pricing Levels

    • Stock Adjustment - Warehouse Adjust Reason

  • HR

    • Employees - Education Institute Name

    • Employees - Education Field of Study

    • Employees - Education Degree

Company News

The Company News page manages communications published in module dashboards and the client portal dashboard. Types of communications include:

  • Announcement

  • Event

  • Information

  • Message

  • News

Searching for a news announcement

You can search for company news by Title, Type, Date of Publications (From and To), and Date of Expiry (From and To).

Creating a news announcement

  1. Click New. A fresh page opens with multiple fields.

  2. Title: Enter an appropriate title for the news.

  3. Type: Select the category of news from the dropdown list.

  4. Display on: Select the modules where the news has to be displayed.

  5. Publish Date: Select a date on which the news has to be displayed first.

  6. Expires on: Select a date on which the news has to expire.

  7. Content: Enter the news that you want to display.

  8. Click Save or click Save and Add New if you want to add another piece of news.

Exporting the grid

The process for exporting the grid is the same as mentioned under the section "Lists" above.


Admin > My Company > Holidays

The Manage Holidays page specifies the holidays recognized by your company.

Searching for a holiday

You can search for holidays by Name, From date range, and To date range.

Creating a new holiday

  1. Click New. A fresh page opens with multiple fields.

  2. Name: Enter an appropriate name for the holiday.

  3. Select Recurring or Not Recurring as the case may be. By default, the holiday is recurring.

  4. From: Select a from date.

  5. Select Active or Inactive. By default, the holiday is active.

  6. To: Select a to date.

  7. Click Save or click Save and Add New if you want to add another holiday. When you save, the page opens to reveal the Holiday Locations section below.

  8. Click Add. The Search Locations window opens. It will show a list of office locations for your account.

  9. Click the checkbox of the relevant locations on the left to select those locations.

  10. Click Save on the top left. The locations will be added to the grid under the Holiday Locations section.

  11. In case you want to delete any of the added locations, click to select the checkbox of the location on the left and then click Delete.

  12. Click Save. You will see a green-colored success message on the top of the message to this effect.

Note: If you do not add a location or locations to a holiday, the SLA will continue to count.

Exporting the grid

The process for exporting the grid is the same as mentioned under the section "Lists" above.

Administrative Work

Admin > My Company > Administrative Work

The Administrative Work page creates tasks used to track time against company activities not associated with projects or tickets. Typically, administrative work tasks are non-billable. Once created, tasks are available on employee time sheets to classify time entries. Examples include paperwork, meetings, training, holidays, sick days, vacation, jury duty, etc.

The fields in the Basics section gives the path to Time Sheet route and Expense Sheet route with a status and a manager.

Adding a task

  1. Click Add. A popup opens.

  2. Task Name: Enter a task name.

  3. Status: Select a status from the dropdown list.

  4. Work Type: Select a work type from the dropdown list.

  5. Click Save.

Deleting an administrative work task

  1. Click the checkbox next to an administrative work task.

  2. Click Delete.

To delete multiple administrative work tasks, select the checkboxes of administrative work tasks that you want to delete and click Delete.

Auth & Provision

The Auth & Provision page manages single sign-on and multi-factor authentication options.

Single sign-on

Multi-Factor Authentication

Require MFA for non-SSO users

Require MFA for non-SSO users


No (Default selection is No.)

  • If you do not want to enforce MFA for non-SSO users, leave the default selection as it is.

Enable Single Sign-on via SAML

Enable Single Sign-on via SAML

Yes (Default selection is Yes.)


If you do not want to enable single sign-on via SAML, select No.

User and Contact Provisioning

Provisioning Mode

Provisioning Mode

SSO JIT Provisioning

Microsoft Entra ID sync

See Microsoft Entra ID integration. This article enumerates steps to integrate Microsoft Entra ID integration with PSA.

Cytracom integration

For Cytracom integration, see Integrating Cytracom with Pulseway PSA.

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