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Reseller FAQS - PureVPN
Reseller FAQS - PureVPN

Discover answers to your questions about PureVPN's Reseller Program with our comprehensive Reseller FAQs

Updated over 6 months ago

Have any Reseller-related questions? Get all the answers to your questions with these Reseller FAQs.

What is the PureVPN Reseller Program?

The PureVPN Reseller Program allows individuals and businesses to resell PureVPN services and earn commissions on sales.

How can I become a PureVPN reseller?

To become a reseller, simply apply through our website. Once approved, you'll gain access to reseller resources and tools.

How do I manage and track my sales as a reseller?

PureVPN provides a user-friendly reseller dashboard where you can track your sales, commissions, and customer activities in real-time.

Can I rebrand PureVPN services as a reseller?

Yes, our reseller program may allow for rebranding opportunities. Check the reseller agreement for guidelines and options related to branding.

How does billing work when a coupon is generated, and when will I be charged?

The coupon $ value will be automatically deducted from the wallet once generated.

Does the coupon code have an expiry?

Yes, Once generated coupon can be utilized within an year.

What if the code is not utilized or redeemed within a year?

The code will expire after a year. However, resellers can delete the code if not redeemed within a year, and the $ value will be refunded to the wallet.

What if I want to delete the code after it has been redeemed?

Once redeemed, the code cannot be deleted or refunded. However, resellers can update the VPN subscription credentials associated with it from the Manage VPN subscription section.

What is the difference between creating a coupon and creating a VPN account?

Creating a coupon allows easy management of VPN subscriptions, enabling resellers to create multiple coupons and sell them at their convenience. Refunds to the wallet are possible if a code isn't redeemed within a year. When a coupon is redeemed, it activates the VPN account and its billing cycle. In contrast, creating a VPN account directly activates the account immediately.

What happens when I update my VPN account email and password?

The VPN account will be transferred to another email, and new credentials will be sent to the updated email address.

Will updating the email ID or password affect the VPN expiry?

No, the VPN expiry will not be affected, and it will remain available to the new user for the remaining days.

Will my VPN expiry change if I disable the account and later enable it again?

No, the VPN expiry will remain the same. Disabling and enabling help resellers control VPN account usage against end-users.

What happens when I delete a VPN account?

Once deleted, a VPN account will be marked as suspended and cannot be reused by any other user. It is non-refundable.

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