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We have listed some common problems and solutions to those problems that are associated with VPN on VPS.

Updated over 5 months ago

We have listed some common problems and solutions to those problems that are associated with VPN on VPS.

Losing connection

If you have problems in connecting to your VPS using VPN, then it means that your IP change is not being accepted by your VPS, so it is restricting your connection. You can solve this issue by setting up a dynamic DNS host and connecting to the static dynamic DNS hostname instead of changing your IP.

Steps to follow:

  • Download and install the No-IP client for your operating system and configure it for DNS host

  • The DynDNS-client will refresh your hostname automatically with your current IP.

  • When you are connecting to your VPS, you need to connect with its hostname rather than its IP.

Insufficient privileges

If you are having any problems regarding installation of PureVPN from your VPS, then you need to make sure that you have the administrator privileges and installing unsigned drivers is also allowed.

Besides using our client software, you can also try manual configuration.

Settings on the host machine

In order to have a properly working VPN connection on virtual machines, you need to ascertain some settings that are required on the host machine.

If you are having any connection issues that are not being fixed or cannot be fixed, then contact your server host’s support if all the settings for using a VPN can be made.


Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) was created by Netscape and it became an international standard for exchanging sensitive information on the internet. Basically, SSL is a security protocol that keeps the information secure between a website and a computer that are communicating. The computer that communicates with a website is the client.

The SSL protocol is integrated in almost every popular browser and this technology automatically engages whenever any computer connects with an SSL-enabled server.

When a server uses SSL security protocol then its URL begins with https rather than http.

Whenever any browser connects to a server that is SSL-enabled, the browser asks for a digital certificate from the server i.e. the Certificate of Authority (CA). This certificate ensures the security of your sensitive data by authenticating the identity of the server. The internet browser also makes sure that the domain name of any website matches with the name on CA and the CA has been generated by an authentic source via a valid digital signature. All of this happen in a matter of seconds and you don’t even realize it all happened if the process has no glitch.

If the browser faces any issue with CA, it will show you a pop up window telling you the exact problem that has been encountered. Then it will give you two options, either end the session or continue at your own risk.

However, if the process runs smoothly, the browser with start to encrypt all of the information that is being sent to the website. When the information is received by the server, then the server decrypts the received information using a secret key. The information sent by the server to your computer is also encrypted and the browser decrypts it when the information is received. You see the website normally, but at the backend, this whole process takes place.

It is also possible to authenticate the clients for all those users who are running secure servers. Additionally, SSL also authenticates data so that any interceder would not substitute another transmission for actual information without being detected.

SSL technology is sufficient in keeping the information exchange secure online, but it cannot guarantee that the information will be kept secure once it has been received at the server’s end. To ensure this, you need to read the website’s privacy policy that incorporates all the information about how your data is handled on that website. It is a good practice to stay more secure online, aside from SSL security

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