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Learn about PureVPN Features

Gain valuable insights into all of the features that PureVPN has to offer.

Updated over 5 months ago

Split Tunneling

Split Tunneling does exactly what it stands for: split your internet traffic. With a split tunnel, you have the ability to route internet traffic through the VPN network or through your local network.

Split Tunneling VPN protects the traffic you route through the VPN network, and at the same time, you don’t lose any access to your local network and devices connected to that network. Basically, for services that require your VPN IP, they’ll get it; for services that require your ISP’s IP, you’ll get it too because the traffic will be split. PureVPN offers Split tunneling for Windows and Android devices for now.

Eager to learn more? Do check out this link to learn more about PureVPN's Split tunneling feature.

Internet Kill Switch

PureVPN’s unique Kill Switch feature secures your online activities in case the VPN disconnects. The Kill Switch works by disabling your internet connection the moment your VPN connection drops because staying connected would otherwise expose your real IP. The idea is to secure your most prized possession—your – IP address and activities— from falling into the hands of cybercriminals.

How to Enable PureVPN's Internet Kill Switch?

PureVPN's offer internet kill switch on Windows, Mac, Android, and Linux device. Check out how you can enable PureVPN's internet kill switch on these device.

Enable Internet Kill Switch on Windows

Enable Internet Kill Switch on macOS

Enable Internet Kill Switch on Linux

AES 256-bit Encryption

Encryption is necessary because it allows you to securely protect the data that you don't want anyone else to have access to. Businesses use it to protect corporate secrets, the government uses it to secure classified information to protect top-secret and confidential files, and many individuals use it to protect personal data to guard against things like identity theft.

Advanced Encryption Standard, otherwise known as AES 256-bit encryption is a data/file encryption security technique that uses a 256-bit key to encrypt and decrypt data or files. It is one of the most secure encryption algorithm methods and is used in most modern encryption standard security algorithms, protocols, and technologies, including AES and SSL.

Want to learn more about AES 256-bit encryption? Do check out this link to learn more.

Recommended Server

In the latest update of the PureVPN application, PureVPN offers Recommended Server option which allows the user to connect with the server recommended by the PureVPN application. The Location algorithm selects this location based on key metrics such as download speed, latency, and distance.

Who should use the Recommended Server feature?

Users having no location preferences and want to have a secure, stable VPN connection with good speed should use the Recommended Server feature.

How to use Recommended Server feature?

Here is how you can use the Recommended server feature on your devices.

For Mac

For iOS

DNS Leak Protection

Domain Name Server (DNS) works by translating domain names to IP addresses so that browsers can interact with each other. Each and every device connected to the internet has a unique IP address that other devices use to communicate. DNS servers eliminate the need for humans to memorize IP addresses, such as (in IPv4), or more complex newer alphanumeric IP addresses such as 2300:de00:1298:1::g482:v6b3 (in IPv6).

Learn more about PureVPN's DNS leak protection by following this link.

Leak Protection

IPv6 stands for Internet Protocol Version 6 and offers a limitless pool of internet-connected addresses. As most of the internet’s IPv4 addresses are being exhausted, IPv6 has grown in popularity, allowing more users and devices to connect to the internet.

Since most of the population uses IPv4 addresses, IPv6 is largely ignored for those who use it daily. The online threats associated with any IP address are the same, irrespective of their type or protocol. To protect your IPv6 address and secure devices connected to the IPv6 protocol, you might need this feature to secure your privacy.

Learn more about IPv6 leak protection by clicking on this link.

WebRTC leak protection. What is it? And How do you prevent it?

WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communication) is an open-source project that provides most browsers with a feature that allows voice, video chat, and P2P sharing to occur without any additional extensions or add-ons being used. If your IP address is leaked while connected to a VPN service, which makes it much easier for your ISP to track your activities, and cybercriminals to exploit your sensitive data. Not to mention it completely defeats the purpose of using a VPN in the first place.

How to test WebRTC leak?

  1. Run PureVPN and connect to a server.

  2. Visit this link and test WebRTC while connected to the VPN server.

  3. If you see your real public IP address displayed in the results, you have a WebRTC leak.

Note: your original IP usually begins with or or an alpha-numeric IPv6)

How do you prevent WebRTC leak?

Here’s what you need to do:

If you use Firefox, you can follow below steps to disable WebRTC.

  1. Start Firefox.

  2. Type about: config in the URL bar.

  3. Hit Enter and click on I accept the risk. Don’t worry about the warning.

  4. Now, type media. peer connection. enabled in the search bar.

  5. Under the Search bar, look for the Preference Name tab.

  6. Double-click the item that’s displayed to change the value to false.

Google Chrome on Android

Many users use Google chrome on their Android phones/tablets, you can disable WebRTC manually on it too. Just type in or copy the following URL in a Chrome tab:


Once the page is loaded, scroll down, look for WebRTC STUN origin header, and disable it.


The Brave browser is also susceptible to WebRTC leaks since it’s based on Chromium. The easiest way to fix the problem is to do the following:

  1. Head to Preferences.

  2. Click Shields.

  3. On the right, look for Fingerprinting Protection.

  4. From the drop-down menu, select Block all fingerprinting.

But if you are using PureVPN then you may simple Enable WebRTC protection on our browser extension to prevent WebRTC leak.

Or you can simply follow these links to enable WebRTC leak protection on the PureVPN browser extension on google chrome and firefox.

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