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Add personalization tokens

Include tokens to make Pyns feel more personalized for recipients

Julianna Kapjian-Pitt avatar
Written by Julianna Kapjian-Pitt
Updated over a week ago

How do I add a token?

In the title or description, type the full token name, (e.g.,, or any of the other supported tokens).

In the message body, you can use shortcuts such as:

  • @r for

  • @m for

  • @n for

  • ... See the Supported tokens list for all supported tokens.

This is how tokens appear in a Pyn.

Note about using the Manager and Principal tokens

Manager name token

When a recipient does not have a manager, the token is replaced with Your manager. This requires you to think about the way you use this token!

So for example if the below message was sent to a recipient without a manager:

Your manager would like you to attend the monthly All Hands meeting.

The recipient would see:

Your manager Your manager would like you to attend the monthly All Hands meeting.

To fix this, write your message in this way instead: would like you to attend the monthly All Hands meeting.

Principal tokens

The token is for use primarily in messages that are a part of Automations.

Automations are triggered by events that happen to an employee record in your HRIS system. Therefore, "Principal" refers to that employee that triggered the automation to happen.

If there is no principal present, as in the case of any non-automated message, such as a one-off message or campaign message:

  • gets replaced with the recipient name.

  • @principal.startDate gets replaced with the recipient start date.

Which tokens do you support?

For a list of all the tokens you can use in your Pyn and what each of the tokens means, please see our:

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