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How to open a vacancy from a request?
How to open a vacancy from a request?

Here's how to turn a request into a new selection process in Quickin.

Andressa Lima avatar
Escrito por Andressa Lima
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You can open a vacancy from a request that is created and thus facilitate the entire process of preparation of the selection process.

To open you should click on "Requests" in the top tab and then click on the following options;

• Select the desired request;

• Click on "Open Vacancy". This function is only available if you have permission to create new selection processes in Quickin.

Automatically you will be directed to the screen of your open vacancy.

Note that when creating a vacancy from a request, it will appear in your dashbnoard of open positions, but with the information of "not published". This is because you will have to prepare some important points such as the publication text, adjust steps, application questions, etc.

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