Team attainment leaderboards allow managers and admins to track team performance and provide team members visibility into how their stack rank against their peers! In order to start viewing a leaderboard, you'll need to first create a team and then add a leaderboard from the Teams page.
Once the leaderboard has been set-up, go to the Attainment page, and then the Leaderboard tab. From there, use the 'Team' dropdown to select the team to view. Workspace users will have different view access depending on their workspace role:
Members will only be able to view leaderboards for teams they are a member of. Members can NOT see the quotas of their peers.
Team managers will be able to view leaderboards for any teams they are a manager of. Team managers will also be able to view their team's quotas on the leaderboard.
Admins will be able to view all leaderboards. Admins will also be able to view the team's quotas on the leaderboard.
Here's an overview of what you'll see on the leaderboard:
Total Attainment: Sum to the total team attainment based on the selected filters
Team Goal: Team goal and attainment percentage
Total Pipeline: Sum of the total team pipeline based on the selected filters
Individual Attainment: Sum of individual attainment based on the selected filters
Individual Quota: Team member's quota values are only visible by team managers and admins
Individual Attainment %: The quota attainment percentage will be color coded based on the attainment index setting in your leaderboard
Total Attainment vs. Quota Attainment: Sort members by total attainment or quota attainment percentage
Forecast Pipeline: Toggle to view pipeline data in the leaderboard to forecast individual and team attainment (see below)