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Cancel a Transaction

Learn how to cancel a transaction in SkySlope

Updated over 11 months ago

In the dynamic world of real estate, transactions can sometimes take unexpected turns. If you started a sale or converted a listing and the buyer backed out, you'll need to cancel the transaction. Here's a step by step guide on how to cancel a transaction in SkySlope.

Cancelling a Transaction in SkySlope

  • Sign in to your SkySlope account. Click Manage Transactions.

  • Locate the file that you need to cancel and click on the icon that looks like a circle with a line through it.

    Screenshot 2023-09-15 at 11.12.06 PM

A pop up will appear that includes a text box to note why the you're cancelling the transaction.

Screenshot 2023-09-15 at 11.15.28 PM

If you don't see the pop up, please make sure you've disabled your internet browser's pop-up blocker.

  • Provide details about why you're cancelling the transaction, then click Submit.

    • Note: After clicking Submit, if there is a listing tied to your transaction that you need to reactivate, you'll see a pop-up that says "Would you like to reactivate the listing attached to this transaction?" Click Yes to reactivate your listing. Your transaction will stay under Canceled Transactions Pending Approval and the reactivated listing can be found back under Manage Listings.

      Screenshot 2023-09-15 at 11.35.18 PM

  • The Manage Transactions page will refresh and your file will now appear under the Canceled Transactions Pending Approval section of the page until your auditor approves the cancellation.

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