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Edit Membership Plan

Learn how to update your membership(s)

Ariane Vishendas avatar
Written by Ariane Vishendas
Updated over a week ago

This is where you manage the settings and information related to your membership.

Your membership plan information is automatically populated each time you create a new membership plan. To access your membership plan settings will automatically populate when you click.

To edit your membership information click Membership Plan.

Editable fields include:

  1. Membership type

  2. Membership details

  3. Membership benefits

  4. Membership pass design

Learn more about how membership information is displayed to members on your landing page and in your members' dashboard.

If you your membership was created through the Membership Builder (Shopify app), your membership settings will be managed directly within your Shopify app.

Membership type

Select the type of membership program you would like to offer.

Free Membership

Free memberships are open to everyone. Anybody with a valid email address can register and begin engaging with your program.

Paid Membership

Paid memberships are only open to members with an active subscription to your program.

To build a paid membership on Shopify, use our Membership Builder (Shopify app). Integration with Stripe is required to enable paid membership on RareCircles.

Membership details

Edit your membership details to give your program a new name and description. This is also where you can access your shareable membership pass link.

Name and Description

Easily update the name and description of your membership program. Simply add your desired copy in the text field and click "Save."

RareCircles Link

This is the link to your membership pass page. Share this link to invite users to your membership program.

Membership benefits

Edit your membership benefits to update your program or add benefits to your program.

To update your benefits:

  1. Select the benefit you would like to update

  2. Click "Edit"

  3. Make your desired changes

  4. Click "Save"

To add a new benefit:

  1. Click Add another benefit on the bottom lefthand side of box

  2. Give your benefit a title

  3. Add a description to your benefit (optional)

  4. Click Save

Membership Pass Design

Edit the look and feel of your membership pass.

To update your membership pass:

  1. Scroll to the bottom of your Brand info tab.

  2. Click on the settings (gear) icon in the middle of your pass preview.

  3. Make your desired changes.

  4. Click "Save"

Editable fields include:

Card Style

Select the layout of dynamic text on your membership pass (brand name, membership name and member information).

Members name is displayed by default and cannot be removed. Brand name and membership name text can be removed in the customize section.


Update your background and text colors.

Background Image

Customize your pass by adding a background image (2400 x 3200).

Your background color won't appear if you've added a background image.


Choose what information to display on your membership pass.

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