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The Customer Experience

How members engage with your program using your portal

Ariane Vishendas avatar
Written by Ariane Vishendas
Updated over a week ago

In this article, we take a closer look at how members (your customers and end users) experience the program. Learn more about how to configure your experience here.

Joining a RareCircles Program

The RareCircles customer experience begins with your branded onboarding flow. Once you’ve set up your engagement program, you can invite prospective participants to join with your shareable link. You can also share your program link on your website by redirecting any CTA to your portal or via QR code.

Once users click to join, they will be prompted to sign up to your program.

If you built a program with Shopify, customers will need to add your program product to cart to join.

Claim a Pass (optional)

When users sign-up to your membership program they'll go through the following steps:

  • Create an account

  • Enter a display name

  • Click claim pass

  • They are now members!

Users may also join your membership by claiming a specific reward that you've shared. Users will be prompted to to sign up in order to access the reward. Members who join your community through a reward flow will also be prompted to claim a membership pass by creating an account per the steps above.

Once a user has signed up, they will receive automated emails each time you publish a new reward or post. Learn more about member notifications.

Community Portal

Upon signup, members receive access to your community portal. Here, members can view their membership benefits, browse activations and connect with other members of the community. It is generated during your onboarding and populated by your activations and benefits.

All participants will receive a welcome invitation upon signup. However, use of the portal may vary from program to program depending on your goals.

Programs focused on product offers, for example, may push most of the value via email with CTAs linking directly to their e-commerce store. Other programs like clubs or tester programs make frequent use of the portal where they share event invites, discussions, surveys and other engagement based activations.

The dashboard includes a welcome message with a list of benefits and access to engagement features.

Members have access to three core features.

  1. The feed gives members the ability to scroll through, redeem and engage in different activations.

  2. Discussions gives members the ability to start conversations with your brand and other members of the community.

  3. The inbox is where members can view posts that you've created exclusively for the community.

Continue reading for an overview of each feature.


To view a list of rewards and benefits members can navigate to the feed. The feed displays a list preview of all rewards and surveys. Members can search through available rewards or filter by activation type.

Claiming Activations

Members can claim activations by clicking on them within the feed. The claim experience (including CTA text, instructions and any redirects) is managed in your admin dashboard.


Discussions allow any member to initiate a discussion, engage in conversations, and contribute valuable insights with the community.

Members can click into the discussions tab to engage with different discussions.

Creating discussions gives users the ability to start conversations on their own. Members can ask questions, share ideas or meet new people!

Upvoting discussions allows users to recognize posts that they'd like the community to engage with.

Commenting and replying to discussions allows users to engage with other members of the community on various topics.

Discussions are an optional feature. Learn more about how to enable discussions.


Similar to an email inbox, the member inbox displays a preview of all past posts for members to browse. Members can click the post to view the full content. If comments are enabled, members will be able to view, add and respond.


Upon registration, members will receive a welcome email. Merchants can push activation notifications to program participants via an optional email notification. For events, members will be able to automatically add the event to their calendar. When a member claims an activation, they will receive an email confirmation with the activation details.

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