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Create Member Only Products

Learn how to configure your Shopify store to limit access to products to members

Ariane Vishendas avatar
Written by Ariane Vishendas
Updated over a week ago

This article involves enhanced activations through our Shopify integration. Learn more here. Some basic coding required.

Member only products are a great way to drive revenue while building community and providing value to members.

In this article, we will guide you through the configuration of your Shopify storefront to give it the functionality to limit the availability of certain products to members. Upon completion, you will have the ability to designate any product as a member exclusive by simply adding an "exclusive" tag.

Products tagged exclusive will only be available to members. If non-members try and access the product description page, they will be redirected to the homepage of your store.

Some popular use cases:

  • Pre-drop programs

  • Member gifts or tokens

  • Sample sales

  • Early access

Step 1: Add Customer Tag

Members must be tagged in Shopify in order to receive exclusive access.

Subscription Tags

If you are creating a membership program for subscribers through Recharge or other subscription platforms, you can use the tag used by your team or third party provider.

If you built your program through the Shopify app, your tag will automatically be added to any customer who claims or purchases program access.

Some common tags:

  • Recharge: Active Member

  • Bold: active_subscriber

Tags are case sensitive

If you built your program through the RareCircles app, you will need to manually tag all customers to ensure they get access to your product.

Adding Tags to New Customers via Member Import

If your membership program is not linked to a subscription, you can add membership tags to new customers importing your member list and adding a corresponding tag.

You can tag customers manually by logging into your RareCircles account and referencing your audience list to identify the relevant customers.

  1. Login to your account

  2. Click Audience > Joined

  3. Login to Shopify

  4. Search for the relevant customer by email

  5. Add your selected tag

To bulk tag customers:

  1. Contact support using the chat button on the bottom right hand corner of your screen to request a CSV of your member list.

  2. Navigate to the Customers section of your Shopify storefront and select "Import"

  3. Import your member list to Shopify

  4. Click add tags to customers

  5. Select Active Subscriber

  6. Click Import

Manually Add Tags to Existing Customers

  1. Search for customers by email address.

  2. Click into their profile to edit their user information.

  3. Add the Active Subscriber tag.

Step 2: Add Custom Code to Theme

  1. Login to your Shopify account and access the code editor.

  2. Add the following code snippet into product.liquid (sometimes named main-product.liquid).

    {% if product.tags contains "Exclusive" %}
    {% if customer and customer.tags contains "YOUR-TAG"%}
    <script>console.log("Membership privileges.")</script>
    {% else %}
    console.log("No membership privileges.");
    window.location.href = "/";
    {% endif %}
    {% endif %}

    Make sure to replace YOUR-TAG with your selected tag.

  3. Click save

This code gives your store the logic required to grant privileges to customers with the corresponding customer tags to access products with the corresponding product tags.

Step 3: Add the Exclusive Tag

Add an "exclusive" tag to any products you want to limit access to.

This is case sensitive.

Step 4: Create an Exclusive Product Activation

Now that your Shopify store is configured to limit access to your exclusive product based on membership status, you can add the product description page to your exclusive product activation.

Publish your Member's Only Product!

If non-members try and access the product page, they will be redirected to the homepage of your website.

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