RateMyAgent has integrated with Brokermint to retrieve your client data so that we can simplify your review collection process.
When you click 'Connect' for Brokermint, you will be shown the screen below where we request your API key.
To retrieve this key, the Brokermint account holder needs to email support@brokermint.com and their support team will reply back with your API key!
Once you have your API Key, return to the screen above by going to Reviews > Automate in your RateMyAgent Profile and click 'Connect' on BrokerMint.
Once we have your TMS connected we will be able to turn on your Easy Reviews feature so that you never miss a client review again.
The most common reason we aren't able to send out a request automatically is because we didn't receive any client data from your TMS. The article link below will show you how to update your Brokermint settings to make client email address a mandatory requirement.
Find out more about Easy Reviews here