1. Top 20% nationwide
This badge is given for high level of customer satisfaction and the agent is in the top 20% of agents nationally for their Review/Sales Ratio (RSR).
You must have sold at least 10 properties as the lead agent in the last rolling 12 months.
Your RSR must be in the Top 20% nationally.
For more details on Review/Sales Ratio (RSR):
Australia & New Zealand
2. Trusted Agent Badge
The Trusted Agent Badge is given to an agent who is confident that they provide exceptional service to all their clients and therefore aim to collect reviews for all sales. They do not filter their requests and are also open to more critical, constructive reviews.
You must have sold a minimum 10 properties as the lead agent in the last rolling 12 months to be eligible.
You must have requested a vendor review for all Lead, Sales or Buyers Agent listings in the last rolling 12 months.
Please note that for the Trusted Agent Badge, there is a 14-day buffer from the date the property is sold for agents to request a review. Agents will receive an email reminder 3 days before the Trusted Agent Badge is lost.
*If agents manually add a property outside of the 14-day buffer and do not request the review, agents will lose their Trusted Agent Badge the following day.
3. Price Expert Badge (NEW)
Our newest Agent Recognition Badge!
To qualify for the Price Expert badge, it's important to understand the review process that leads to your eligibility.
Review Process
When we request reviews from buyers and sellers, we include an optional question to gather feedback on pricing:
“How did the final purchase price of the property compare to your expectations?”
The available responses are:
Better than expected
In line with expectations
Worse than expected
Minimum Reviews:
Australia: You need to have received at least nine reviews within the last rolling 12 months that include a response to the question above.
(Responses can be from either the buyer or seller).
New Zealand: You need to have received at least six reviews the last rolling 12 months that include a response to the question above.
(Responses can be from either the buyer or seller).
Positive Response Requirement:
Once you have received the minimum number of responses as stated in point 1, 90% of your reviews with a response must be positive. Positive responses are defined as either "In-line" or "Better than expected"
Once you meet these criteria, you will be recognized as a Price Expert and awarded the badge. This badge is not just a recognition but a powerful tool that enhances your profile and showcases your expertise in exceeding client expectations regarding price.
Badge Status
You can check your status for all badges in your Agent Dashboard as seen below.
Q. I should qualify for one of the recognition badges, why does it not show?
These recognition badges are applied based on the data we have available on our platform. If you qualify for a recognition badge it will appear on your premium profile.
Q. Do Supporting Agent reviews count for recognition badges?
No, only lead agent reviews are counted toward the recognition badges.
Q. I have other achievements I would like to highlight, can you do this for me?
At the moment we cannot accommodate individual requests for custom achievement badges. However, we will take your request as feedback and will consider its inclusion in the event RateMyAgent expands the number and type of achievements in the future.
Q. I won an award last year, why don't I see it on my profile any longer?
At this time, only agents on a Professional Subscription or higher will display multi-year awards. example: If you did not win this year but won last year, your award badge from last year will no longer display; with the exception, if you have won the same award prior to last year. Any multi-year awards will post. But if you only won last year and did not win this year, your award will not display.
Q. I'm pretty sure I won an award before 2017, why isn't it there?
At this stage, we can only show awards from 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 & 2024. We do not currently have the ability to include years prior to this, but we'll provide an update if they do become available.
Still have questions?
Chat with the team using the chat feature in the bottom right corner. We're here to assist you!🤩