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Check out what goes data you can pull from your videos!

Updated over a week ago

To see usage data around all things video content creation, please select from the various data types listed below. ๐Ÿ“น

  • Agent Name

  • Property Name

  • Company Name

  • Created Date - (Date and Time when video was created)

  • Name - (Title of the Video)

  • Length - (video length Ex: 10 min 30 second video = 10.5)

  • Type

    • Unit

    • Amenities

    • Area/Neighborhood

    • Maintenance

    • Resident Event

    • Internal

    • Other

  • Video Link (ability to watch PRV via direct link (unable to download)

  • Accessible (TRUE if enabled, FALSE if previously enabled then disabled, blank if accessibility was never enabled)

  • Download Count (count of video downloads)

  • Deleted? (If video has been deleted, this will be set to TRUE)

  • Last Updated Date - Most recent date/time the video was edited

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