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Live Tour Stats

Check out what goes into your Live Tour Stats!

Updated over a week ago

Take a look at Live Tour usage events types we provide below! 👇

  • Agent Name (Leasing Agent’s Full Name or Property Name)

  • Property Name

  • Company Name

  • Created Date (Date and time when tour was created)

  • Tour Title

  • Unit # (Tour Address)

  • Tour Date/Time (date and time when tour was scheduled)

  • Status

    • Scheduled

    • Completed

  • Tour Type

  • Attendees

    • (Count of prospects that joined the tour)

  • Invitees

    • (Count of registered users on a public tour)

    • (Count of invited users on a private tour)

  • Views

    • (Summary of all views of the live tour)

  • Length - (Tour length Ex: 10 min 30-second video = 10.5)

  • Deleted?

    • (If TRUE, Live Tour has been deleted)

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