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Direct Mail Filters

Filtering by direct mail attempts, date, campaign status, and do not mail ever

Kylie avatar
Written by Kylie
Updated over 3 months ago

When sending direct mail through REISift we will automatically update the direct mail attempts, last direct mailed update, direct mail campaign status (entire campaign) and the last direct mail status (individual records). You'll also be able to filter out any records you've marked to "do not mail ever"

Looking for how to start sending Direct Mail? Please see 👉 Creating and Sending Direct Mail Campaigns

To access the direct mail filters, go to the records page, select Filter Records towards the top right of the page.

Then select add filter block and scroll down to the marketing section.
If you are looking for a specific filter you can also type the name of the filter in the search box.

Direct Mail Attempts

When you select to send mail through REISift, we will automatically increment the Property Direct Mail attempts for you. There are two separate filters for direct mail attempts. "Direct Mail Attempts" is the filter for the property attempts, "Direct Mail Attempts (Owner)" will be filtering for any attempts you manually increment on the owner record page.

Within the filter, you can filter for a minimum and maximum amount of attempts. If you are looking for records that have no direct mail attempts, enter 0 for the min and max.

Last Mail Status

Last mail status filter is filtering for the last direct mail status the property record received. This is the same status you see when clicking on the batches in your direct mail campaigns.

When filtering, you can include and exclude the following mail statuses:

  • Scheduled - pending order processing to print

  • Processing - printing phase, we send mail for printing and processing a couple days prior to mail’s selected send date

  • En Route - mail is printed and dropped off at usps

  • Delivered - Cities local USPS has received mail

  • Undeliverable - during the processing phase it was found the address is not deliverable, the mail never gets printed and credits are refunded , this process happened only once mail is sent for processing

  • Returned - Mail Delivery Personal has marked as return to sender and dropped back off at local usps (typically mail will show delivered but then update back as returned as first mail gets to local usps and THEN mail delivery goes to homes to find out that the mail needs returned, so mail can update as returned for some time after delivery

  • Failed - mail activity failed and could not be processed. If you see a failed mail status please reach out to support.

Direct Mail Campaign Name

The Direct Mail Campaign Name allows you to select your campaigns from a drop down menu and filter by them. Here you can include or exclude specific campaigns.

Do Not Mail Ever

The Do Not Mail Ever filter allows you to filter for or exclude records that you've selected as Do Not Mail ever, to exclude them from any campaigns.

The Do Not Mail ever option can be set by toggling on/of within the record:

Last Direct Mailed Date

We'll automatically update the last direct mailed date whenever you send direct mail through REISift. This filter is located under the Additional Fields category.

When filtering by date, you have the following options:

  • Fixed date will filter for those specific dates. If a preset is saved and accessed again later, it will only filter by these specific dates.

  • Since will filter by the date selected up until today's date.

  • Prior to allows you to select a dynamic range, for example you can select to filter for any records that became Not Interested during the last month, quarter, etc. so if you save the preset, you don't have to reset the date each time.

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