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Managing Staff Members & Permissions in the Admin Portal
Managing Staff Members & Permissions in the Admin Portal

February 2025

Updated this week

ℹ️ This feature is available to all new clients as of February 11th, 2025 along with a select group of existing partners. If you’re an existing client and would like early access, please contact to request activation.

What is it?

The Admin User Roles & Access Control feature gives you the ability to create and manage access for your staff directly within your Admin Portal. With this update, you can onboard new staff members or update existing ones by assigning specific roles, ensuring the right level of access while keeping your business secure.

What’s in it for you?

With customizable staff member roles and settings, you can:

  • Manage staff access easily – Quickly add, update, or remove users as your needs change without relying on RepeatMD support.

  • Keep your business secure – Set permissions based on roles to protect sensitive information and streamline operations.

  • Permission visibility – Users with the Manager, Administrator and RepeatMD Administrator roles can access the Staff Directory page and see roles and settings!

Key Features

Understanding Admin User Roles and Features

Staff members assigned roles determine a user’s access to the admin portal.

Each staff member in your platform must have at least one role assigned, determining the features and areas they can access. You can assign multiple roles to staff members and customize their permissions as needed.

The table below represents the roles, access levels and access capabilities.


Access Level

Access Capabilities


Business Owners/Operators
Upper Management)


Administrators have full control of your platform. They can manage all settings, permissions, and features, making this role ideal for business owners or senior leadership.

✅ Full access to all features and areas of your RepeatMD platform.
✅ Create and manage staff members, including Managers and other Administrators.
✅ View and export all reports in the Admin Portal.


Middle Management)


Managers can create and manage staff user accounts and utilize most features in the Admin Portal. However, they cannot manage Manager or Administrator accounts.

✅ Create and manage staff members, excluding users with the Manager or Administrator roles.
✅ Manage your RepeatMD Shop’s catalog of services.
✅ Manage automated retention and reward features.
✅ Customize the app experience and content.
✅ View and edit client information.
✅ Create and manage Special Offers and Sitewide Promotions.
✅ Take action on behalf of clients, such as managing visits, redemptions, and memberships.
(Recommended – can be disabled in User Settings)
✅ Create, edit, and delete Custom Plans.
(Recommended – can be disabled in User Settings)
✅ View financial reports.
(Recommended – can be disabled in User Settings)


(Marketing Managers
Brand Managers)


Marketing users focus on client engagement, communication, and customization. They can create promotions, update your app’s appearance, and send SMS campaigns to attract and retain clients.

✅ Customize your app’s appearance and contents.
✅ Create and manage Special Offers and Sitewide Promotions.
✅ Create and manage text campaigns.
(Recommended - can be disabled in User Settings)


(Front Desk Staff


Staff users can access and update client information, perform actions like redeeming treatments or managing visits, and manage Custom Plans if desired. This role is ideal for team members who interact directly with clients but don’t require access to advanced settings or financial data.

✅ View and edit client information, including access to individual clients’ purchase histories.
✅ View and export the “Redemptions” report of services, rewards, and promotions redeemed by your clients.
✅ Take action on behalf of clients, such as managing visits, redemptions, and memberships.
(Recommended - can be disabled in User Settings)
✅ Create, edit and delete Custom Plans.
(Recommended - can be disabled in User Settings)—-

📽️ Check out this explainer video to walk you through the process in action.

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