Organization profiles on Restor create an excellent space to showcase your organization’s mission and key areas of work as well as details about any restoration and/or conservation projects you are involved in. Engaging, informative organization profiles on Restor can be a great way to reach out to stakeholders and help to tell your story.
Step 1: Log into Your Restor Account
Begin by logging into your Restor account and navigating to this page.
Step 2: Click on Add to map and then on New organization
Before proceeding, ensure that there is no existing profile for your organization on Restor. You can do this by utilizing the search function and entering your organization's name.
Step 3: Fill out the fields with the necessary information
You will be asked to provide the following:
The Organization nameThe Website of your organization
The Country where the organization is based.
Click Continue
Step 5: Upload your organization logo:
Select a file from your computer. Make sure the image is JPG or PNG format and not larger than 5MB.
Step 6: Provide information about your organization size (number of employees) and a description.
Click the yellow Create organization button.
Your organization has now joined our extensive database of nature-focused organizations, all united in their efforts to make our planet a better place!