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FAQ: How to track RMA Usage

RMA usage and FAQ

Kaylie avatar
Written by Kaylie
Updated over a week ago

This article will explain the steps to take in order to see the number of RMAs you and your shoppers have created in ReturnLogic.

Tracking how many RMAs you use is a great way to track metrics about your returns process and your company's growth. Greater adaptation of your returns center by your shoppers means time saved and hours regained!

How can I see my RMA usage at a glance?

You can navigate to the Home page of ReturnLogic to get a quick snapshot of the number of RMAs created. You can alter the date range at the top right-hand side of the screen using the date selection menu.

How can I see an itemized breakdown of my RMA usage?

For a more detailed breakdown of your RMAs with fields that capture information about the return, use the RMA Items Report under Reports in the top menu bar. You can filter this report by the Return Type or by the status of the RMA.

You can also filter this report by the RMA Status.

How to access your RMA Items Report

  1. Login to your account and go to the Reports drop-down menu. Select the RMA Items Report at the top.

  2. At the top right-hand side of the page, locate the date range field.

  3. Select the time frame you are interested in querying. If you would like to see your annual usage, select the year beginning from when you started your contract or the date your contract was renewed.

    Note: You can also use the Custom Date Range if there is a period you are interested in focusing on. Some merchants like to track their usage after product launches or during the Holiday season to see how those time periods compare to other months during the year.

  4. View the page with the updated dates and decide if you'd like to download this report (this is recommended because it will be needed in step 7).

  5. To download, choose between the download options at the top of the page.

  6. Open the downloaded file in a program of your choice such as Excel, Google Sheets, Sharepoint etc.

  7. Sort the sheet by the RMA number (by clicking on the RMA sort triangle at the top right-hand side of the report).

  8. If an RMA has more than one item being returned at one time, each will have its own row and you will see an entry for each item being returned.

    Note: Remove any duplicate rows from the sheet since these will not count twice toward the total.

  9. Total the RMAs on the spreadsheet. Depending on which program you are using, you can Google search how to total the RMAs if you are not sure how to do this in the program you select.

  10. Compare your usage to your contract allotment, if desired/ if applicable. Feel free to sort, filter, and manipulate this information as you like.

What if I'm using a different number of RMAs than expected?

If you would like to discuss any concerns about using more or fewer RMAs than expected, please reach out to your designated ReturnLogic Customer Success Manager or via the support chat.

What if I have more than one ReturnLogic account?

If you have more than one ReturnLogic account, you will need to pull separate reports for each account.

We're here to help! Email us at or use the live chat inside the platform with any questions or feedback.

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