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Product Reviews Widget

How to display your product reviews on your product pages.

Mollie Herbert avatar
Written by Mollie Herbert
Updated over 8 months ago

Note: This is just an overview of how to customise the widget. The install process can vary between platforms. If you need assistance with this, please contact us via the Live Chat!

Navigation πŸ“

  • Log into your dashboard

  • Navigate to Publishing >> Widget Library

  • Click 'Product Reviews Widget'.

Instructions βš™οΈ

The Headings on the left of the widget will go over each section of the widget so you can chop and change until you find the right set-up for you!

βš™οΈ In 'General Settings', you will have the following core options to customize πŸ‘‡

  • Content Type e.g. Product Reviews, Company Reviews, 3rd Party Reviews, Q&A.

  • Change the Widget Language.

  • How many reviews appear on one page.

  • You will also have the option to hide parts of the widget if you have not collected any Reviews or Questions on that relevant product page.

  • You are also able to choose your platform, however, this is only currently available for Shopify & Maropost clients.

Selecting a platform will output widget code that is optimised for your site so you're able to simply copy and paste the generated code into your template.

Otherwise, you'll need to replace certain sections with variables from your platform.

In the 'Header' tab, you will have huge amounts of freedom to adjust the Following parts of your widget:

  • Displaying the overall Product Rating and Product Attributes.

  • Whether or not you would like to display a Photo and Video Gallery.

  • Option to hide or show 'Write Review' and 'Ask Question' buttons.

  • Color Customization on Gallery and Attributes Sections.

In the 'Filters & Subheader' tab, you will find multiple different options to show and hide certain aspects of the widget that will highlight the strong points of your business! These include the following:

Enable Filtering by Language:

If you have this setting enabled, an option will be added to the widget to filter reviews by User Language from the Sort menu.

IMPORTANT: You will need to have Review Tagging by User Language enabled on the Review Tagging Settings in order to use this feature.

You can also enable 'Update Widget Language based on Language Selected'

This will automatically update the widget's language based on the language chosen by the customer

Example below of the Language Filtering Enabled πŸ‘‡

The 'Reviews' tab will allow you to customize the reviews themselves, allowing changes to details displayed on the reviews as well as colour and avatar changes to suit your brand. You can see all of the available customizations below:

The 'Questions & Answers' tab will allow you to turn on or off whether you would like the dates of questions to be visible or not:

Next is the 'Edit Design' tab which allows you to get very creative with how the widget looks and really allows you to make the widget look on brand and match your current site style really well! You can change Colors, Fonts, Sizings, Spacings and much more. Take a look below:

Once your have completed all of your fine tuning and are ready to put this widget on site you can then get the customized code of this widget by pressing the 'Get Installation Code' button on the bottom left of the widget page.

You will have the option to either copy the code for yourself or email it directly to your Developer so they can install it for you!

Live Examples πŸ‘€

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