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How to integrate Aloha and ChiroTV Network!
Caleb Pilarski avatar
Written by Caleb Pilarski
Updated over 5 months ago

Want to display all your reviews in office with ChiroTV Network?

You can now present your Aloha 5-star patient reviews right there in your office on your ChiroTV Network screen!

We encourage you to display your well-deserved 5-star reviews in-house because these days, real people seek real advice from real users who shared their unfiltered experiences with the business. Those experiences are often posted online! What better way to reinforce the trust you've already started to build with your patients by showing them that others just like them also love you and the services you provide?

To connect Aloha and ChiroTV Network:

  1. Copy your URL in Review Wave by going to FEEDBACK > FEEDBACK SETTINGS and click COPY next to the RSS Feed (Positive Reviews Feed):

2. On your ChiroTV Network, go to the dashboard and go to the left and click on orange “Review Wave” button.

Then, copy and paste your Aloha RSS Link in the area provided and click on UPDATE below.

After that, pick a style format where you want your reviews to appear. The last step is to TURN ON the feature above so it starts to play your reviews!

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