Did you recently add someone to your Team, or need to adjust someone's User Settings? We got you - let's break it down!
To view your Users, make your way over to Settings > User Settings > Users. To EDIT a current User, select the pencil icon to the right of their name, or you may select the trash bin to DELETE.
From this page, you may search current Users, and Export Users by marking the check box next to their name and selecting BULK ACTIONS>EXPORT.
To ADD a new User, select + Add a User. This will bring you to the screen below:
✨Note:✨ We recommend that the Email and Phone fields be unique to the User, as the two-factor verification code will be sent to whatever is entered here. For this reason, we recommend a cell phone for the Phone field.
Next, you will want to specify which Role(s) the User will be assigned:
Administrator: this role allows access to the Settings Tab
Biller: this role allows access to Insurance Claims
Physician: this role allows the User to have appointments scheduled with them. An NPI number or License Number is required in order for the User to show on the SCHEDULE.
✨Note:✨This role will also allow you to set the threshold for the maximum allowed Appointments to be scheduled with Appointment Slots. Before adjusting this, please reach out to Clerk's Support Team* to make sure this is dialed in to best set you up for success!
Office: this role is for Front Desk staff
Owner: this role is for the owner of the clinic
Reports: this role allows access to the Reports tab
Kiosk: this role should be paired with a separate User Profile, as this role will only allow access to Clerk's Kiosk function. For more information about our Kiosk, CLICK HERE!
Once you have the Roles selected, you may choose to add in the User's personal address to keep on file, as well as updating the frequency of how often you'd like to receive the two factor verification code, whether it be on every login, weekly, or monthly:
The Physician Role will also allow you to create distinct hours of operation for when patients can be seen with that Provider. At the bottom of their User Settings, the User should default to the clinic hours, however, if you toggle that off, you can create the schedule as needed:
To split the hours of operation for a day, you'll want to select the blue plus sign on the lefthand side:
Once everything looks good, go ahead and select Update User to save!
* To schedule a time with Clerk Support, you may call us directly at 800-870-1944, chat in, or email us at support@getclerk.com!