Customized Insights: Summarizing Widgets with Key Details
Accessing Advanced Settings
To begin summarizing widget details, navigate to the Advanced Settings section in the platform. This is where you’ll configure your AI prompt to generate customized insights.
Step 1: Provide Your AI Prompt
Locate the space provided for the AI prompt.
Enter your prompt clearly, specifying the type of summary or details you want retrieved.
The platform will tailor the summary based on the widget details and the prompt.
Step 2: Preview the AI Summary
Click the 'See Preview' button.
A preview of the AI-generated summary will be displayed on the right panel of the screen, just below the preview chart.
Step 3: Save or Create the Widget
If creating a new chart, click 'Create Widget' to save the AI summary and the chart details.
To edit an existing chart, click 'Save Widget' to update the summary.
Step 4: View the AI Summary on the Report Details Page
Step 5: Title the Summary
To give the summary a title, click the edit icon at the top-right corner of the summary panel.
Enter a meaningful title that reflects the summary’s content.
Step 6: Generate Summary History
Click the 'Generate History' button to create a comprehensive summary based on all configured chart details.
This action ensures that a record of the AI summary is generated.
Step 7: Review Notes History
To check the history of all AI-generated summaries, click the 'Notes History' button.
The Notes History section stores all previous summaries, allowing you to revisit them anytime.
By following these steps, you can efficiently configure, preview, and save AI-generated summaries for your widgets, ensuring clarity and accuracy in your reports.