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Critical Top 3 Safeguards Explained
Critical Top 3 Safeguards Explained

Risk Assessments can analyze hundreds of risk reducing safeguards. Identify the most critical safeguards keeping your plant safe.

Written by Ronjit Mukherjee
Updated over a week ago

Why is it important?

Most processing units have hundreds of safeguards, all of which require maintenance and all provide a level of risk reduction. Understanding the most critical safeguards and their risk reduction contribution allows plant personnel to ensure these safeguards are effective and functioning.

How does it work?

Safeguard Criticality is determined by analyzing each occurrence of the Safeguard within a PHA and calculating the criticality of each unique safeguard based on several parameters including; number of times the safeguard was used for risk reduction, types of risk being reduced in each occurrence, presence of other safeguards and the number of credits (drops in risk reduction) each occurrence provides.  The value of the Safeguard is summed across all occurrences.

Analytics Overview

Critical Top 3 Safeguards clearly shows those devices, equipment and processes which reduce the most risk in your facility.

Critical Top 3 Safeguards includes the actual Safeguard Description for each of the top 3 safeguards and the safeguard category assigned by Risk Alive.

Risk Category Breakdown shows the client specific risk receptors being impacted by each safeguard with the length of the bar indicating the importance of each safeguard relative to the top most critical safeguard.

The module also provides the total risk reduction contribution of just the top 3 safeguards. This gives operations a sense of the importance of these safeguards and the need to inform front line workers of their role in reducing risk.

What’s Next?

Learn about the other sections of the Critical Top 3 module:

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