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Live PHA Analytics - Safeguard Ranking
Live PHA Analytics - Safeguard Ranking

Understand which of your facility's safeguards are most critical for risk reduction and support the prioritizing of audits and maintenance.

Written by Ronjit Mukherjee
Updated over a week ago

New to Safeguard Ranking? Read Safeguard Ranking Explained first.

Criticality Overview

The Safeguard Ranking is a simple, yet powerful way to understand which safeguards are most critical. This criticality information can be used to prioritize audits and maintenance enabling organizations to improve their use of resources (human and capital) and ensure critical safeguards are in place and working effectively.

Safeguards are listed from most critical to least critical in the module and the sample risk matrix below helps explain how criticality of safeguards is determined.

The Safeguard A would have higher Criticality than the Safeguard B due to the following factors:

  • Safeguard A provides 2 drops in likelihood vs. only 1 drop in likelihood for Safeguard B

  • Safeguard A is reducing risk on scenarios with higher severity consequences than Safeguard B

  • Safeguard A is used in multiple scenarios where Safeguard B is used in only 1 scenario

Safeguard Ranking List and Sorting

Each row in the Safeguard Ranking module shows the Safeguard Description, Safeguard Criticality Ranking, Safeguard Criticality Value, Distribution of Residual Risk Ranking and Total Scenarios applied on, and its Category/Classification.

Safeguards displayed in the module are sorted by default from most critical to least critical as indicated by the length of the colored bar below the criticality value. Safeguards displayed in the list have at least 1 occurance in the PHA where it was taken for more than 0 credits.

To quickly see the lowest criticality safeguards, a user can select the arrow beside the "Criticality" title to sort from lowest to highest criticality.

Filtering Safeguards

Safeguards can be filtered based on their:

  • Safeguard:

    • Description

    • Category

    • Classification

  • Respective Consequence:

    • Consequence Category

    • Inherent Risk Ranking

    • Residual Risk Ranking

    • Severity

Begin filtering by clicking the Filter Icon below the Safeguard Ranking title. A filter control will be displayed.

Examples of how to filter safeguards:

  • Select one or more safeguard category tiles

  • Select one or more consequence category tiles

  • Type in the tag number or word related to the safeguard

When a filter is applied, the filter control will be highlighted in blue and indicate how many safeguards match the filter.

Filters can be cleared by clicking "Clear Filter" icon, to the left of the "X". When clicked, all filters will be removed.

Viewing Safeguard Details

Safeguard details can be viewed in an info panel that will expand on the right once any safeguard is clicked. Click on any safeguard in the list to view:

  • A "View Related Scenarios" link to redirect to the specific scenarios in LivePHA

  • Credits and number of times it was utilized for in session at each credit

  • Number of times it was the only credited safeguard on a scenario

  • Number of times it was one of many credited safeguards on a scenario

  • Distribution of scenarios the safeguard was applied on by consequence category

  • Distribution of scenarios the safeguard was applied on by inherent risk ranking

  • Distribution of scenarios the safeguard was applied on by residual risk ranking

Exporting Safeguard Ranking Data

A user can export Safeguard Ranking Data into an Excel CSV file by selecting the Export button below.

If Safeguard Ranking is filtered, you can either :

  • Export only the data shown with the filter applied by selecting the "Export Visible Data only" toggle. This option will only show if a filter is applied.

  • Export all data ignoring the filter by not selecting the "Export Visible Data only" toggle.

Once Export is made, a CSV will be exported into the users "Downloads" folder.

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