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How to Archive

Explanation of Archiving and how to (Un)Archive analytics in Risk Alive

Written by Ronjit Mukherjee
Updated over a week ago


Once data is processed and uploaded to Risk Alive, it is never deleted.  Risk Alive has provided an Archive feature which will, however, help organizations maintain their information and ensure that only the latest data for a particular processing unit is available from which to make decisions.

Who Can Archive?

Risk Alive has created a special permission which allows users with this permission to Archive and UnArchive analytics.  By default, all Administrators will be granted this permission.  If Administrators would like to provide the ability to Archive to any other users, this new item in the Role list will have to be enabled for that user.

New Archive permission shown in the Roles list for Administrators.

How to Archive

Analytics can be archived directly from the company Dashboard.  The Reports table on this page includes a toggle switch to view Archived and UnArchived analytics.  Any entry in this table can Archived simply by clicking the checkbox to the corresponding entry and clicking the Archive button in the pop-out frame on the right side of the page.

Click the checkbox for the item to be Archived and to activate the pop-out frame which includes the Archive button (see below).

Click the Archive button to archive all selected items.

How to UnArchive

All analytics which have been Archived are moved into a different view which can be accessed by changing the toggle button at the top of the Reports table on the Dashboard.  When the toggle is changed, all Archived reports are visible and those with the appropriate permissions are able to UnArchive.  To UnArchive, simply click the checkbox to the corresponding entry and click the UnArchive button in the pop-out frame on the right side of the page.

View of the Reports table in Archived view.

We hope this article helps with Archiving!

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