User Management

Create and manage user access to Risk Alive through customized groups

Written by Ronjit Mukherjee
Updated over a week ago

This article is designed to help Risk Alive Administrators or Super Users to manage user accounts and user access levels.


Risk Alive uses the concept of Groups to enable administrators to organize resources, users and functions for their users.  Let's start with some terminology:

Group: a Group is a container which contains Users, Resources and Functions. Administrators can setup as many Groups as required by the organization and groups are typically setup according to how Users and Resources interact.

User: a User is any individual who accesses Risk Alive with valid login credentials

Fig 1. User Management options in the Main Menu

The left-side menu (which can be accessed any time on Risk Alive) includes user management options as shown above. Only users assigned the "User Administrator" Function will have access to this part of the menu in Risk Alive.  

NOTE: If your organization does not have an Administrator, please contact your Risk Alive Customer Success team through the in-app chat and we'll help you out!

Settings and Default Permissions

On the Settings Section, there are 2 major sections:

  • Default Assignments: These are the permissions automatically applied to new users. By default, this is "Read Access", but can be changed to any other Company Role. User Assignments can still be adjusted after user creation as per the current administrator management process.

Adding New Users

Figure 2. Creating a New User

New users can be added to Risk Alive by clicking the "User" menu option in Figure 1 then clicking on "Create User" to open the user creation drawer on the right side in Figure 2.

Simply enter the user's Email, First Name and Last Name information (all required). Phone number is optional.

Once everything is entered, click on "Create" to successfully create an user account.

Adding New Groups

Groups are the main container to which users are assigned.  New groups can be created by clicking the "Group" button on the main menu in Figure 1.

Figure 3. Creating a New Group

Enter the name of the group and use a name that is short yet descriptive of the types of users. Ensure to also add a Group Description as this will help other administrators understand the purpose of each group.

Adding Users to Groups

Figure 4. Group Assignment Drawer

To add Users to a Group, you can do so from the Groups page and selecting the Group of interest. This will open a new drawer on the right side as shown in Figure 4. You can select an user from the User dropdown to assign them to this Group. If you need to adjust the level of access granted to this Group, you can do so under the Roles section.

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