If you’re trying to give Roots access to screen time and it’s stuck in the “loading state”, please try the following things. We apologize for the inconvenience!
Kill the app and try again
To kill the app — swipe up and hold, then swipe the Roots app away
Restart your phone and try again
Reset screen time permissions
Go to "Settings" > "Screen Time"
Scroll down and find "Roots"
Remove access, then re-open the Roots app
Give access to screen time permissions when prompted
Wait a little while and try again
One more thing to try:
If none of the suggested troubleshooting works, please try giving screen time permissions to a different app. In some cases the screen time API can get hung up on the Apple side, and doing this can force things to reset:
Keep Roots open but in the background
Download another screen time app, such as this one
Go through onboarding until you give screen time permissions
Once approved, re-open Roots
Why is this happening?
There is a small bug in the iOS screen time that prevents us from accessing the permissions on your device. This appears to happen with a small percentage of people, a small percentage of the time. But, when it happens we know it’s frustrating!
Still having issues?
If you try this and you’re still having issues, please contact us using the chat bubble on the bottom right side of the Help Center!